Financial Advisor Magazine Names Petersen Hastings in 2019 RIA Survey & Ranking

Petersen Hastings is pleased to announce that it is once again included in the listing of Financial Advisor Magazine’s Top RIA Ranking with $670 million assets under management at the end of 2018. Financial Advisor Magazine annually reports an exclusive list of the nation’s leading independent financial advisory firms based on their total discretionary and nondiscretionary assets reported on their Form ADV. Petersen Hastings is the only firm in Eastern Washington to be recognized in the survey.
“Having the opportunity to be recognized on a national level is something our firm is very proud about,” said Scott Sarber, President. “Helping our clients achieve their financial goals and life dreams is what makes each day fulfilling. The credit for this award goes to them and the deep, trusting relationships we have developed over the years,” said Sarber.
Petersen Hastings is a Registered Investment Advisor located in Kennewick, WA. As a primary fiduciary, Petersen Hastings serves committed investors with complex financial needs. Our multigenerational team of experienced and credentialed professionals delivers innovative solutions through The Trusted Financial PathTM to enhance and preserve wealth.
To view the full ranking list, click here. For additional information contact Scott Sarber at 509-735-0484 or